Food Safety

Bella Verdi is committed to food safety
because it is a foundational value of our business.
We believe that Food Safety is a critical success factor for our business as well as the Agricultural community as a whole. As a small family farm, we believe strongly in the FDA's efforts to modernize Food Safety Standards and work hard to meet or exceed those provisions each and every day.
Since inception we have been a Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) certified growing and packing facility with annual food safety audits by NSF. In 2017, in anticipation of the FSMA changes, we obtained SQF Certification for our growing, harvesting, and packing operations. We believe this investment in Food Safety demonstrates our commitment to the importance of Food Safety in the products we produce and communities we serve.
No Pesticides or Chemicals
No pesticides or fertilizers are used at Bella Verdi in growing our products. We utilize all natural pest prevention like Lady Bugs rather than toxic chemicals.
Food Testing
As part of our Food Safety Plan we have our products tested for pathogens on a regular basis to ensure the safest product available. We also test our water sources to confirm it is of the quality we need and expect for our operation. All testing is done by an independent third party NELAP accredited lab located in Texas. We also actively monitor our environment for ATP and Listeria to ensure our facilities are clean and free of pathogens.
The primary plastic food containers we use are helping keep over 1 billion PET plastic bottles and thermoforms out of landfills each year. Containers are manufactured with 100% recycled food-grade PET with up to 100% curbside collected post-consumer content. They are 100% recyclable to reduce our carbon footprint