
Living Lettuce



Large leaves with a crunchy, nutty flavor profile.


Green Bibb

Mildly sweet, nutty flavors with buttery and crisp textures.

Green Lolla Rossa

Green Lollo Rossa

Bold slightly bitter and nutty flavor. Crisp semi-succulent texture.

Green Oakleaf

Green Oakleaf

Mellow, nutty & slightly sweet flavor with a buttery texture


Mixed Bibb

Beautiful mix of 5-7 varieties of red and green leaf. All grown together to create the perfect salad.

Red Bibb

Red Bibb

Mildly sweet, nutty flavors with buttery and crisp textures

Red Lolla Rossa

Red Lollo Rossa

Bold slightly bitter and nutty flavor. Crisp semi-succulent texture.

Red Oakleaf

Red Oakleaf

Mellow, nutty & slightly sweet flavor with a buttery texture.

Summer Crisp

Summer Crisp

Crunchy, slightly nutty flavor profile.